Thank you!
Just a brief note to say a very big THANK YOU to the Middlesex, NJ Chapter of the Brandeis National Committee for hosting my presentation and book signing last Friday, April 20 at the East Brunswick Library. I enjoyed discussing My Mother’s Shoes and sharing family photos with friends old and new. Thank you especially to Phyllis Geller who invited me to speak and to all Brandeis members who provide libraries throughout the country with books and other necessities.
Thanks also to all who sponsored the Commemoration of the Holocaust and Heroism held on April 19th at the East Brunwick Jewish Center. This year’s focus was the impact of the Holocaust on the second and third generations. Sandy Rubenstein, the daughter of survivors, recounted her father, Joseph Horn’s, story of survival which he expressed in his book, Mark It With a Stone, and showed clips from his interview with the Shoah Foundation. My very own son, Howie Wachtel, spoke of his grandparents’ ordeal and how their struggles helped provide perspective for his own life. The Anshe Segulah Men’s Chorus added heartfelt melodies to the event, in which survivors along with guests lit commemorative candles. Special thanks to Gabriela Sadote Sleppin, JCRC Diretor, and Dr. Peter Schild, Committee Chair, and all involved at The Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County. I am proud to serve with my friends on the Holocaust Commemoration Committee.
Finally, please join me on Sunday morning April 29, at 9am, when I present My Mother’s Shoes at a breakfast sponsored by the Men’s Club and Sisterhood at the East Brunswick Jewish Center, 511 Ryders Lane. I look forward to seeing you there!—Shirley